Bull shark

Common Name: Bull shark
Scientific Name: Carcharhinus leucas
The bull shark also known as the Zambezi shark in Africa and also called as Lake Nicaragua shark in Nicaragua is a dangerous shark found mainly in warm shallow waters along the rivers and in the coastal areas
Bull sharks have pale skin and dark gray shade above the head, changes into white descending lower. The fins of the younger individuals have black tips. While they grow, they turns dusky. The bull shark has an upper jaw teeth that consists of broad, triangular, and heavily indented.
The Bull Shark has a standard tropical and subtropical species that happens in freshwater, marine, estuarines.
They feeds mainly on tiny sharks and bony fishes . Turtles, birds, dolphins, crustaceans, echinoderms, and stingrays are also diet for them. It is very difficult for the prey to find the shark because they hunt in misty waters.
Bull sharks are born alive and the debris may include 1 to 3 pups. Pregnancy lasts from 10 to 11 months. The sexual maturity for male is between 14 and 15 years and for females it is above age 18.