Greenland shark

Common Name: Greenland shark
Scientific Name: Somniosus microcephalus
The Greenland shark also known as the grey shark or gurry shark is a huge shark of the family named Somniosidae which is related to the southern and Pacific sleeper sharks.
The Greenland shark is brown, grey and black in color and may have white spots or dark lines along its thigh on the dorsal side. Upper teeth have longer while its lower teeth have flatter but most of the teeth are razor sharp.
Greenland shark has a biological name called Somniosus microcephalus. The cold water species is important because it inhabits the North Atlantic and Arctic Oceans.
The Greenland shark is an vertex predator that prefers fishes mostly. Recorded fish prey have included tiny sharks, skates, squid, eels, and flounders. They has its own prey on marine mammals such as seals.
Greenland sharks can have up to 10 pups in a litter .There is no information regarding the reproduction process of these sharks, we know that it is Viviparous. At certain times, the mother do gives birth to her pups.