The secrets of underwater smalltooth sawfish
Status of the smalltooth sawfish:

Smalltooth sawfish is a highly endangered and it is found in some of the regions in the world. Its species is very less in number the species is dying day by day now the population of smalltooth sawfish is less.
Classifications of smalltooth sawfish:
There are different types of classifications for smalltooth sawfish they are.
- Kingdom
- Phylum
- Class
- Family
- Genus
- Species
The kingdom of smalltooth sawfish is comes under the classification of animalia.
The phylum of smalltooth sawfish is comes under the classification of chordate.
The class of smalltooth sawfish is comes under the classification of chondrichthyes.
The family of smalltooth sawfish is comes under the classification of pristidae.
The Genus of smalltooth sawfish is comes under the classification of pristis.
The species of smalltooth sawfish is comes under the classification of pectinata.

Smalltooth sawfish, sharks, skates and rates these are the different kinds of fishes belongs from the family elasmobranches. The smalltooth sawfish skeleton is made up of cartilage. Smalltooth Sawfish consist of shark gills and body in the ventral side of the fish.
The ancient sawfish found before 100 million years. The next species of sawfish is smalltooth sawfish this species found before 56 million years.
The smalltooth sawfish name is derived from the fish saws. The saws fish has long and flat nose and with the teeth this helps the smalltooth sawfish to tear the flush and prey for own foods the smalltooth sawfish's food habit is most of the time it prefers fish in sometime it prefers crustaceans like crabs, lobsters and shrimps.

Smalltooth sawfish is one kind of sawfish family it mostly stays in US waters smalltooth sawfish grow 18 feet (5.5 m) to 25 feet (7 meter).
Like many elasmobranchs, smalltooth sawfish are ovoviviparous, meaning the mother holds the eggs inside of her until the young are ready to be born, usually in litters of 15 to 20 pups.
These species lifespan is only up to 25 years to thirty years the maturing at the age of 10. Smalltooth sawfish is an ovoviviparous. Ovoviviparous means the fish that keeps the egg inside the body until unless the eggs get hatched at a time 20 pups were hatch.
Habitat for smalltooth sawfish:
The species of sawfish lives at thin waters of tropical seas and all tropical seas in the world. They are found at the bottom of the sandy areas of the sea. The smalltooth sawfish can be seen frequently at sheltered bays and it is found in the freshwater system in all over the world.

Behavior of smalltooth sawfish:
Smalltooth sawfish is a nocturnal it sleeps at the daytime and kills the prey in the nighttime. They do not attack human beings until unless the people temp to attack. This smalltooth sawfish is famous for all fishermen it's a rare species and it is most expensive fish in the world and attacking of smalltooth sawfish is more offensive in both the countries USA and Australia.