Sloane's viperfish

Common Name: Sloane's viperfish
Scientific Name: Chauliodus
The species grows to over 30 cm in length. The species can be identified by its large mouth, long fang-like teeth and long first dorsal fin ray. It is a lustrous dark silver blue color with pale fins. The sides of their body are covered with hexagonal pigmented areas, each with one or more small photophores.
Viper fishes prefer to eat shrimp, squid, hermit crabs, anchovies, mackerel and other little fishes. Their speed towards swimming is very high towards their prey spear them with their teeth. Other animals that eat viper fish include dragon fish, dolphins and sharks.
The viper fish has the abnormal look. It is one of the most popular and familiar species. It is one of the most vicious animal in the deep sea. These fishes can be easily identified by its large mouth and sharp, fang-like teeth.
In constraint, their lifespan is to live longer than a few hours. They are found in tropical and temperate waters throughout the world at depths of up to 9,000 feet. They are rarely seen by humans, although specimens do sometimes show up in the catches of deep water trawling.
Viperfish are believed to be external spawners, which means the female releases eggs into the water to be fertilized. Viperfish lay eggs year round, but the more number of offspring were found between January and March. Young are approximately quarter of an inch long when hatched, and they tend to survive on their own until they reach their maturity.
A typical viperfish grows to lengths of 30 to 60cm . Viperfish stay near lower depths (250–5,000 feet in the daytime and shallower depths at night.