Queensland Grouper
Common Name: Giant Grouper
Scientific Name: Epinephelus Lanceolatus

The Queensland Grouper has a large mouth and a rounded tail. Juveniles have irregular black and yellow markings. Adults are green-grey to grey-brown with faint mottling. There are numerous small black spots on the fins. The Queensland Grouper is reported to grow to about 3m and 600kg. The largest Queensland specimen on record weighed 288kg. It is one of the largest bony fishes living on coral reefs.
The Queensland Grouper feeds on spiny lobsters, fish, including small sharks and batoids, and juvenile sea turtles and crustaceans.
It has a curious nature and will often approach a diver at close range.
Life History
The male Queensland Grouper is believed to reach sexual maturity when it is at least 129cm long.

It is often found in shallow waters but has been caught at depths of up to 100m. It is found in caves, on coral reefs and around wrecks. Juveniles and adults are sometimes found in estuaries.
Special Features or Habits
It is the largest of all coral reef dwelling bony fishes in the world.
Location or Region Found
In Australia it is recorded from the southern coast of Western Australia, around the tropical north and south to the southern coast of New South Wales.