Sargassum Anglerfish
Common Name: Sargassum Anglerfish
Scientific Name: Histrio histrio

The Sargassum Anglerfish can be recognised by its body shape, dorsal fin structure, colour and presence of skin flaps and filaments. Unlike most other shallow-water anglerfishes (family Antennariidae) the skin of the Sargassum Anglerfish is smooth rather than prickly.
This fish has a dorsal fin divided into four parts. The most anterior part is the "fishing rod and lure" comprising the illicium and esca. This is followed by two separate spines and finally by a long-based soft-rayed portion.
The Sargassum Anglerfish varies from pale cream to greenish or dark brown. It has an irregular pattern of blotches and spots.
This species grows to 16cm in length.
Eggs, juveniles and adults usually live closely associated with floating algae. Adults are sometimes seen swimming under clumps of floating Sargassum weed. When threatened by a predator the Sargassum Anglerfish sometimes jumps out of the water onto the top of an algal mat. It may stay out of water for some time.
Location or Region Found
The Sargassum Anglerfish occurs in all tropical marine waters except the Eastern Pacific.